Civilian Trials Enthusiasts
Working Trials are a competitive civilian sport effectively revolving around General Purpose Police Dog work. The format of the trials has changed very little since the 1960s, with the competing dog and handler being required to demonstrate their capabilities in a variety of exercises.
Given the unparalleled capability of Karenswood (International) Ltd in all of the Working Trials disciplines, we are pleased to offer private tuition for civilian trials enthusiasts and their dogs.
Should you wish to discuss your individual requirement in detail, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Tracking & Search Work
The aim of tracking is to occasion the dog to follow a human trail that has been deliberately, or involuntarily, laid along a specific route. In Trials, this track is laid in a set pattern, which has been predetermined by the judge – it is approximately half a mile long and the dog must apply itself to its task regardless of ground type, whether arable land, infertile soils or sand, in woodland or in marshland etc.
In addition to the fidelity of its track, the dog will also be required to recover a number of articles placed along the track and to search for and retrieve certain articles within a marked area.

Patrol Dog
In order to successfully compete in the Patrol Dog stakes, the dog is required to perform the following exercises:
The Chase & Attack Sequence
To chase down a criminal and prevent that person from fleeing by biting the arm and holding on until instructed to release.
Recall from the Chase & Attack
Following the release of the dog to chase a fleeing criminal, it must be recalled before it reaches the target.
Search (Quarter) for a Missing Person/s
This exercise requires the dog to search an area for missing people in a direction which is determined by the judge.
Test of Courage
There are numerous ways in which a judge may determine your dog’s resolve, but the overall objective is for the dog to attack a criminal without showing fear.
Search, Escort & Prevention of Attack on the Handler
This exercise is the accumulation of all of the Patrol Dog’s training. It requires the dog to watch a criminal whilst the handler conducts a body search. The dog must then escort the criminal to a chosen area. During the escort, the criminal will launch an attack on the handler, which the dog is expected to intercept by biting the arm until instructed to release.

Obedience Control
In addition to the dog’s steady response to the gunshot, there are a number of obedience exercises which a dog must perform in order to succeed in the Trials:
- To walk at heel at different speeds and paces.
- The dog must remain in a down stay whilst the handler is out of sight.
- Retrieve a dumbbell which has been thrown by the handler.
- To Speak on command and to Leave on command.
- The Send Away Exercise.
- This involves the dog being sent a distance away from the handler, who will then redirect the dog by command.

The final requirement for the dog is the test of its agility. The dog is given two opportunities to clear the following three obstacles:
- Scale a six foot wall;
- Clear a nine foot long jump;
- Clear a three foot hurdle.